
As it gets colder and colder, I find the idea of getting out of bed more and more difficult. However, it gets easier if I have something to look forward to. Hence, this week I would like to introduce SoMeat Porridge with Ginger. This easy breakfast can be prepared the day before and it’s loaded with antioxidants which help reducing stress. Doesn’t that sound like a perfect start of a day? Let’s try!

SoMeat Porridge with Ginger

Serves 3-4 people
time: 40 min


SoMeat Shogayaki (Ginger “Pork”) 100g
Rice 1 cup
Small Knob of Ginger
Soy Sauce 1 tablespoon
Sesame Oil
SoMeat Porridge with Ginger


First, prepare the SoMeat Shogayaki following the instructions and cut into small bite – size pieces.


Slice the ginger into bite – size pieces.

Slice the ginger into bite - size pieces.


Fry the sliced ginger with sesame oil over a medium heat for about 1 min.
Then add the rice.

Fry the sliced ginger with sesame oil over a medium heat for about 1 min.
Then add the rice.


Add 3 cups of water into 2. and bring to boil. Then, reduce the heat to low and simmer until the absorbs the water. ( about 15 min) stir occasionally.


Add two more cups of water and add pepper and soy sauce. Keep simmering for another 15 min. ( If you prefer thinner porridge, you may add more water.)

Add two more cups of water and add pepper and soy sauce. Keep simmering for another 15 min. ( If you prefer thinner porridge, you may add more water.)


When the porridge is ready, add the SoMeat prepared earlier and serve warm. (You may want to add more seasoning, depending on your taste.)

Enjoy a healthy breakfast!

Enjoy a healthy breakfast!

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